Three Ways Buying Consignment Can Pay You

  I am the mom of four energetic children who LOVE to play hard. (Three of which are rough and tough boys) It pains me to buy them brand new clothes when I know they will, well like I said, play hard in them and that those clothes will never look the same. I would […] Read more…

You Can Stay Home With Your Kids!

A few weeks ago, I was asked to be a part of a book launch group for Erin Odom’s (The Humbled Homemaker) new book, “You Can Stay Home With Your Kids!” I was thrilled to be able to read her new book because she is such an awesome women, wife, and mother. She is the […] Read more…

3 Reasons We Use Sonlight

Selecting homeschool curriculum can sometimes feel like an overwhelming task. I remember back in 2010 when, as total newbie to the homeschool world, I started trying to decide what curriculum to use. I felt scared that I was going to mess up and pick the wrong one. I was overwhelmed with the thought that my […] Read more…

“Spring” to Life

As I was walking our dog Annie today, I began to see little hints of spring. The dandelions are beginning to bloom, butterflies can be spotted fluttering around, the warmer weather is starting to be more frequent. As I saw these things I couldn’t help but remember that spring time brings new life, and I […] Read more…

Peanut: Foster Dog #2

Peanut: 9 Weeks I received a call one day from the Director of Foster Care, with the doodle rescue, asking if we could foster a second dog for just a few days while we still had Mollie Mae (our current foster dog at the time: click here for her story). It was a unique situation […] Read more…

Mollie Mae: Foster Dog #1

Mollie Mae- 13 WeeksWe hardly could stand it, we were on our way to pick up our first foster dog! If you are not a dog lover you may not understand our excitement, and that is totally ok, but our family absolutely adores the canine species. (I would have a whole pack of dogs if […] Read more…

Foster Family “Tails”

This past August (2017), my family and I became fosters for a nonprofit charity Doodle Rescue. You may be thinking “What in the world kind of charity is that?”. Well, it’s a dog rescue, based in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, that focuses it’s energy on rescuing dogs that are doodles (any dog breed bred with […] Read more…

Never Lose A Gift Card Again

A few years ago at Christmas, a horrible thing happened as we were cleaning up empty boxes and wrapping paper, I received some cash as one of my presents and it somehow found its way into the pile of trash! I was devastated! I felt so bad for losing the money because it meant I […] Read more…

Why Homefront Lilies

  ***Names are important. We all know that names express and create an immediate response in our minds. If we hear a name that brings a negative thought or memory, we automatically dislike it or have a distaste for any association with the name. As I began planning this blog I wanted to come up […] Read more…

How Parenting Draws Us to Thankfulness and Rejoicing

(This post was originally written as a guest post for the Biblical Women blog) You know the saying, “You can’t see the forest for the trees”? Sometimes I feel that way in my parenting role. I stay so intently focused on the “bad” things that my children are doing that I forget to see the […] Read more…

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