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As I was walking our dog Annie today, I began to see little hints of spring. The dandelions are beginning to bloom, butterflies can be spotted fluttering around, the warmer weather is starting to be more frequent. As I saw these things I couldn’t help but remember that spring time brings new life, and I began to reflect on my spiritual walk. I began to evaluate what my spiritual health looks like right now, “Is it alive and growing or is it in a stagnant hibernating state?”.

As I reflected on God’s creation transforming from winter into spring, I had thoughts of how things look dead or like they’re asleep in winter. Then as they begin to “wake up” they show signs of growth and begin to show the fruit of their labor.

It’s funny how God uses His creation and the change of seasons to help you reflect on who He is and the health of  your relationship with Him. Having a set time everyday to spend quietly reading your Bible and praying, trying to memorize and meditate on Scripture, and putting into action what you are learning in God’s word, are all steps to a healthy relationship with God. We can always grow more, do more, and surrender more in our everyday walk with the Savior, it’s baby steps that get us moving in the right direction.

What is your spiritual health status right now? Are you seeing new growth? Maybe you are flourishing, or maybe you are struggling with little fruit, or you may have no signs of life in that area at all. Wherever you are, I want to encourage you to reflect on the spring time “revival” of creation and see if there is something you need to work on or change to bring life back to your relationship with God. Maybe it’s sin in your life you need to work on, or maybe you just need to commit to spend more time reading your Bible and praying, or maybe you need to fix a relationship with someone that is broken.

Whatever the case is there is hope for you. You can, with God’s help, go from dead (or asleep) to vibrant life. You just have to ask Him for help. You have to say, “Yes!” to Him and surrender your desires for His. That means saying “No.” to yourself. (We all know that’s the hard part!)

If you have been struggling with getting in the habit of reading your Bible and praying everyday and you feel like you can’t start now, you can! Or maybe you started on January 1 by committing to read the Bible everyday, but you haven’t followed through, you are not a lost cause! I want to help you and encourage you to get a game plan in place and press on. I want to help you see vibrant and beautiful fruit in your life for the glory of God.

My desire is to see you be victorious in your walk with the Lord! I hope you will join me as we walk this walk together. I will be sharing some ideas in the coming weeks.

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