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It’s that time of year again! Time to pick out our advent activities and countdown to Christmas. There are so many wonderful advent options to choose from, sometimes it’s hard to know which one to use.

Even after we choose which activity we are going to use, sometimes it can be overwhelming to actually follow through sharing with our family. Busy schedules and the hustle-bustle of the holidays can often cloud our lives, squashing our desire to complete the activity.

The advent season doesn’t have to be something we dread or even something that is overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate activity or major undertaking. It really can be something as simple as reading a book or a verse of Scripture each day as you eat a meal together.

The word “advent” simply means, “The coming of Christ at the Incarnation” (and His second coming). It’s a time period when we simply celebrate the birth of Christ our Savior and anticipate His second coming. Whatever you chose to do to celebrate this time, just keep it focused on Christ and you will be winning.

I want to help simplify your advent season by offering four ideas for you to use with your family. One of the four is what our family is using this year and the other three are ones that friends have recommended. Here goes…hope it is helpful!

The Jesus Storybook Bible by: Sally Lloyd Jones combined with The Crew + Co Advent cards

If you have young children this is a fun way to experience the advent season. The cards and storybook bible are beautiful. They will be very appealing to your little ones.  

Little Hearts Prepare Him Room by: Holly Mackle

This is little book was written by my friend, Holly. She has written a couple of books that are all terrific. But, let’s talk about this book. It is designed where it can grow with your child as they get older. If you have a family with mixed ages this book will be a great fit for all ages. It offers short devotional readings mainly from Matthew and Luke that will draw your focus to the encouraging and transforming gospel.

The Wonder of the Greatest Gift by: Ann Voskamp

This book is SO COOL!! When you open it, up pops a 13-inch tree! How fun, right?! Everyday you will read a short devotion and open a numbered door on the book that reveals an ornament to hang on the pop-up tree. This devotion follows the Jesse Tree Advent scripture passages which walk you through Genesis to Revelation, leading from creation to the second coming of Christ. Fun for all ages.

The Jesse Tree Advent by: Dean Lambert Smith 

Along the same lines is the last book I want to share with you, this book also focuses on the Jesse Tree Scripture readings. In case you have never heard of the Jesse Tree, here’s what it is.

The advent Jesse Tree seeks to tell the story of God’s redemptive plan for the world through 25 symbols from the Old and New Testament. The symbols trace the heritage of Jesus Christ from the beginning of creation to his second coming. The term “Jesse Tree” comes from Isaiah 11:1-3.

This is the book we use and it is wonderful for all ages. Inside the book it offers a children’s devotional as well as an adult devotional for each day. The Jesse Tree Scripture reading is truly a beautiful, wholistic picture of Christ throughout the whole bible. 

 We expounded on this book by creating our own ornaments and tree. A group of friends and I had an ornament exchange, where we all made two of the symbols, making enough for everyone in our group. It was a lot of fun and helpful for all families involved, monetarily and timewise. Here is our tree and ornaments.

I hope this advent season you and your family are able to reflect on Christ and His purpose for coming to earth in a meaningful way together.

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