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Labor Day is over, come on fall!! Fall will officially make its grand entrance in just a few short weeks, and I am hoping it will bring with it the cool, crisp, fall weather that I enjoy so much. With the grand entry of fall on my mind, the desire to create “fall” around my home is intense right now. I like to sit and savor a wonderful cup of coffee and admire the fall decorations during the cool, autumn months. It is such a warm and cozy feeling.

As I began to think about fall décor around my house, the creative juices began to flow and I had an idea to create some homemade cloth pumpkins. I think they turned out really cute and I wanted to share them with you so you can make some too.

Here are the supplies you will need to create your pumpkins:

  • 12 x 12 inch square of fabric (preferably orange)
  • 8 inch diameter circle cut out of paper to trace
  • needle and coordinating thread
  • a small piece of stick from a tree in your yard
  • a 5 x 5 inch square of fabric (preferably green)
  • a pen for tracing
  • a hot glue gun (go ahead and plug this in to heat up before starting)
  • a straight pin with a head
  • a good pair of scissors
  • pillow filling or batting (I used some leftover pieces of quilt batting I already had)

Here are the easy steps to make these cute little pumpkins:

Step 1: Print out a 8 inch diameter circle onto paper. I used Microsoft Word to create my circle, then printed it on regular paper. This circle will be important as you cut out your orange pumpkin fabric.Step 2: Trace your circle onto the orange fabric and cut out.Step 3: Take your filling or batting and form a ball about the size of a large apple. Then place it in the center of the circle.Step 4: You will now fold the circle to the center of the filling/batting, one side at a time. It is easiest if you work on sides across from each other. Once you get the circle closed up and the “ball” is covered completely you will stick your pin in the center to hold it together.Step 5: Now is when you will need your needle and thread. Start from the side where you stuck the pin and begin to push the needle through to the other side. Try to aim for the center of the other side so your pumpkin will fold in to the center once your are done sewing. Once you get the needle on the other side you will then pull the thread taunt and go back through the pumpkin and out the original side where you started. You will do this back and forth about four times. MAKE SURE YOU ARE PULLING TIGHTLY TO MAKE THE PUMPKIN’S INDENTION VERY NOTICABLE. Cut the thread and tie a knot.Step 6: You will now take your newly made pumpkin and “squish” it so that you get a more lumpy pumpkin shape. You will then take your green fabric and cut out a single leaf. This process is very free-hand, have fun making whatever shape leaf you want to make.Step 7: Now it’s time to sew the leaf to the center of the pumpkin. You will need to sew it through the bottom twice and then cut and tie off.Step 8: Take your hot glue gun and put a small dot of glue in the center of the pumpkin and push your little stick, you collected from outside, into the glue. Hold it for a few seconds until the glue supports your stick.AND YOU’RE ALL DONE!!Your easy and simple DIY pumpkins are ready for you to display and enjoy.Let me know if you have any questions. I would love to answer any that you may have. Happy crafting!



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