3 Tips to Make Your Family an Organized Team

(This post was originally written as a guest post for the Biblical Women blog) What comes to mind when you hear the word, “organize”? Does it create an intense amount of anxiety that makes your head spin? Or maybe you are on the other side of the spectrum, where you are filled with overwhelming excitement […] Read more…

How to Cultivate of Heart of Thanksgiving

(This post was originally written as a guest post for the Biblical Women blog) Pumpkins, scarecrows, leaves changing color, fall festivals, and crisp air mean only one thing… Fall is here! Fall is my favorite season for many reasons, but one thing that is special to me about fall is Thanksgiving. It is a holiday […] Read more…

6 Ways to Have a Sucessful Year

(This post was originally written as a guest post for the Biblical Women blog) When a new year begins everyone seems to be looking to start over, to be better than they were at (fill-in-the-blank) in the previous year. Blogs, social media, and other news feeds are flooded with things like, “The Best New Year’s Resolutions,” “How To Be […] Read more…

Jesus, Faith, and Fish

(I wrote this post originally for the Biblical Women blog, where it was featured) Have you ever noticed in the New Testament, when fish are involved, that Jesus is ultimately teaching about faith? Think about it—Jesus fed the five thousand with fish and bread (Matt 14:13-21); He did the same thing with four thousand on […] Read more…

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