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Just google “homemaking hacks” and you will find there are thousands of new ideas, tips and tricks out there to help you clean your house more effectively. I personally, enjoy reading about these tips and tricks and watching videos of people testing them out. It’s fun to me and I like to make note of the ones I think I can implement into our home.

Throughout the years, I have made a list of homemaking hacks/tips that I find helpful. They are my “go-to helps” when I run into a homemaking challenge. Maybe you find them helpful too and have your own list you lean upon to help you around the house, or maybe you haven’t collected any tips, but you are eager to learn some now—either way I want to share with you EIGHT homemaking hacks/tips that are on my list. I hope they will be beneficial to you.

1- Use an old pillowcase to dust ceiling fan blades.

Place the pillowcase onto the fan blade and place one hand on the top of the blade and one on the bottom of the blade and slide it off. This traps the dust inside the pillowcase instead of allowing it to fall onto the floor or furniture.

2- Use hairspray to get ink out of fabric.

Spray hairspray onto the ink until the hairspray puddles. Then use a damp cloth to rub the ink out. You may have to repeat the process another time if the ink is stubborn.

3- Use vinegar to clean shower heads.

Fill a sandwich bag 1/4 full of vinegar. Place the bag on the shower head allowing the head to be submerged in vinegar. Use a rubber band to secure the bag onto the shower head. Allow it to sit for 3-4 hours or overnight if you’d like. Take bag off and run hot water for a couple of minutes.

4- Use tennis balls to help in the dryer.

Tennis balls are a great thing to use when drying comforters, blankets and larger items. It helps them dry faster and helps them not to get lumpy in the dryer. Throw them in the dryer with your items and let it run.

5- Use hydrogen peroxide to get out blood stains.

Our youngest son struggles with getting nose bleeds a lot. I have to stay on top of the blood stains because he gets them so much. Hydrogen peroxide is my life saver. It works to get out the tough blood stains. You just pour it on the blood stain and rub it with a damp cloth, then run it through the wash, if you can.

6- Use a piece of paper and a warm iron to clean up melted wax.

Have you ever accidently spilled a candle while it was burning or had a candle melt onto your furniture? I have! Use this tip and you’ll have it cleaned up in no time. Place a piece of white paper onto the wax. Place the warm iron on the paper and slide iron around slowly. The paper will absorb the wax and lift it off the surface of the spill. You may have to repeat the process if your paper becomes too “full”.

7- Use non-stick cooking spray to help your shower door not accumulate water spots and soap scum.

First, clean your shower door with glass cleaner. Then spray the non-stick cooking spray on the clean glass door. Use a soft cloth to wipe off the cooking spray. Now it has a “rain-x” type barrier.

8- Use baking soda to clean up liquid spills on carpet and mattresses.

If you have pets and children you know that this is a lifesaver! Our pets and children wreck havoc on our carpet. This tip is so helpful and helps get the moisture out of the carpet as well as the smell. If you have a spill, use a dry cloth to pat it dry, absorbing as much as possible. Liberally sprinkle the baking soda on the wet spot. Leave the baking soda on the spot until the spot is dry. The baking soda will absorb the moisture and help bring it out of the carpet or mattress.

I use all of these homemaking hacks/tips on a regular basis and find them to be helpful. Maybe you have some that you use in your home. I would love to hear your ideas, so please comment and share.


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